JHB: +27 (0)11 884 8010 | CPT: +27 (0)10 006 3966 info@afrizan.co.za


Excellence in Recruitment Process Outsourcing

RPO/MSP provides Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) for client-specific benefit:

  • Secondment of AFRIZAN recruiter teams to specific client sites
  • Establishment of in-house recruitment agencies
  • Integration of agency specific expertise with onsite specific knowledge
  • RPO outsourcing model allows for clients to transfer recruitment processes
  • On-demand RPO provides assistance to manage recruitment spikes
  • Short-term recruiting projects with specialised needs within specified timeframe
  • Divisional recruitment services
    • RPO/MSP will run select recruitment processes for divisions
    • Manage external suppliers of resources

RPO/MSP provides an Internal Recruitment Process (IRP) Solution:

Safeguard objectivity, consistency and fairness in your internal recruitment process with IRP from RPO/MSP:

Book a dedicated specialist recruiter to facilitate your internal recruitment and selection processes:

  • Effective response handling
  • Objective screening and shortlisting of internal applicants
  • Timeous feedback to unsuccessful applicants as necessitated by law.
  • Proficient supervision of the internal recruitment process and reporting
  • Expert hiring support

We guarantee:

  • Strict adherence to your processes and procedures
  • Mitigated risk through comprehensive background screening (ITC, references, criminal and qualification checks)

Offering you smart recruitment solutions to your staffing challenges.

RPO/MSP provides a Managed Service Provider (MSP) solution:

Managed Service Provider solutions are vendor management solutions combined with order taking and delivery management. Under this model, RPO/MSP will engage with all third party vendors with regards to recruitment needs. Centralising external recruitment means a single point of contact enabling process, cost and vendor compliance streamlining.

Working with an MSP is no longer only about cost, it is about managing the non-employee hiring process with a partner who understands your company culture and process, it enables continuity in the hiring process flow regardless of interruptions in workforce due to maternity leave or resignations.

Benefits of using an MSP:

  • Low performing recruiters will move to another corporate, if we don’t perform we lose a potentially worthy project and our reputation. That is why we outperform any in-house recruiter.
  • Realising cost savings
  • Focussed recruitment enhances new hire experience which in turn has proven to increase retention by 10 to 15 % on its own
  • Recruitment is done by professional recruiters backed by a company that specialises in recruitment strategies hence increase in quality plus time to fill
  • Agency infrastructure, database and training is not feasible to implement as effectively from a costing perspective
  • One point of contact.
  • One bill to pay
  • All spend is to a black Female owned QSE (enterprise development is covered)
  • Compliance streamlined
  • Administration load across the process reduced

One Workforce, One Solution

With assured savings of 20% on recruitment spend for clients, Tespro offers blended staffing outcomes and guarantees that clients get varying talents from a single supplier.


Time-to-fill is substantially reduced due to the focussed recruitment function.


We have over 30 years recruitment experience sourcing intelligence for some of South Africa’s top corporates.


Afrizan is a 51% black owned and 32% black female owned EME and QSE level 1 entity.


Afrizan has been consistently awarded and recognised for our dedication and skill since 2015. The pinnacle of our accomplishments being in 2017 when we were awarded the winner of top Agency Diamond PMR.africa Arrow Award, Afrizan is an industry leader. We have won over 25 PMR Africa Diamond Arrow awards in 5 years, in the following categories:

• Permanent Staffing

• Specialised skills – Banking

• Specialised skills – Financial

• Specialised skills – FMCG Retail

• Specialised skills – Telecommunications


Afrizan has branches in both Johannesburg and Cape Town. In addition, our travelling Talent Scouts.


“The services offered by Afrizan are of an excellent standard. We hope to continue our strong working relationship with Afrizan and have no reservation in recommending them to any organization requiring staff.”

Zoe Banchetti | Moss Morris

“This Letter serves to confirm that Afrizan is providing staffing service to the MultiChoice Contact Centre. We are happy with the relationship in that we find them proactive, focusing on value-adds, and caring about their people.”

Marlon Samson | MultiChoice Africa

“I am writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of TESPRO. Liberty Group began using TESPRO as our (RPO) recruitment partner in 2012 for the provision of an on-site, end to end recruitment support to our Resourcing Team. The service we’ve received from the TESPRO RPO team at Liberty (to date) has been one that’s not only been professional but also efficient in the manner in which the company’s recruitment and selection process is handled.

The team has been exceptional with respect to speedy service, problem resolution, understanding and meeting the business’s recruitment needs. It’s been a breath of fresh air dealing with the TESPRO RPO team at Liberty and I would highly recommend their services. Feel free to reach out to me in need should you require further information.”

Gugu Chama | Liberty

“Due to a good business relationship with consultants, they understand our business needs and have dealt with all our recruitment requirements. I would recommend their services to any corporate business.”

Marcelle Singh | Sasol Polymers

” PPS Introduced Afrizan’s Tespro RPO Model in October 2013. This Model has proven to be a very successful recruitment experience and has provided us with the experienced resources needed to ensure a highly efficient recruitment service to our internal stakeholders. Not only does this model assist in our immediate recruitment needs, the relationship with Afrizan has evolved into a long-term strategic partnership. The service provided has been professional and efficient and has resulted in much positive feedback from the business.

Afrizan has helped us to “raise the bar” in terms of our recruitment offering. They are also proactive in their approach and have done a great job in sourcing high calibre candidates for us that match each unique need we have. Their service remains consistent, despite at times being placed under enormous pressure to deliver.”

Cheryl Jansen van Vuuren | PPS

” This letter serves to advise that since we have introduced Afrizan into our Temp Resourcing pool, we have not only received great and professional service. We have also seen their competitors stepping up their service and using Afrizan as a benchmark. Our line-partners have been giving great and positive feedback and commending our move of bringing Afrizan onboard. “

Malusi Mbonani | MultiChoice Africa

“Thank you for making this a great year for resourcing at Liberty. We not only managed a successful integration of the Afrizan team into Liberty, but also managed to improve service delivery and earn a spot as a valued business partner in sourcing talent into the Group. While the contractual relationship is still young, and there are opportunities to improve further, we must acknowledge the successes and value add that you have brought our business – and for this I extend my sincere gratitude for a positive approach towards delivering resourcing services at a client site where your experience has sometimes been very challenging. The attitudes and approach of the Afrizan team have been great, and it has been a pleasure working with each of you. The Afrizan management team certainly have much to be proud of.”

Luxsha Raman | Liberty

“We have found Afrizan’s services to be very professional and responsive. They go at length to understand the company’s culture and challenges in order to ensure that they match the candidate to the company. Their consultants are customer-oriented and flexible in their dealing with us. Afrizan brings industry expertise to the relationship. This was demonstrated to us when they ran the RPO project. We had a recruitment backlog and needed to apoint people urgently. They were able to assist us to fast track this process and fill the roles within the agreed timelines. They currently manage our internal recruitment and have brought value to our relationship as well as objectivity to Masana’s recruitment process. We value Afrizan’s strategic partnership with us.”

Becky Mosehle | Masana Petroleum Solutions