JHB: +27 (0)11 884 8010 | CPT: +27 (0)10 006 3966 info@afrizan.co.za


Empower your Recruitment Spend with Afrizan

Afrizan is a 51% black owned and 32% black female owned Empowering Supplier.

Afrizan People Intelligence is a Generic level 1 entity. Procurement spend with us therefore not only counts 135% but also counts towards 3 of the 5 Preferential Procurement categories. These categories are 1, 4 & 5, listed in the generic scorecard below.

Thus, procurement spend with Afrizan People Intelligence amounts to 18 of the 25 points in the Preferential Procurement spend category in the B-BBEE legislation.

Afrizan People Intelligence, Cadet Academy and TESPRO are QSE level 2 entities. As a QSE, procurement spend with us therefore not only counts 125% but also counts towards 4 of the 5 Preferential Procurement categories. These categories are 1, 2, 4 & 5, listed in the generic scorecard below.

Thus, procurement spend with these entities amounts to 21 of the 25 points in the Preferential Procurement spend category in the B-BBEE legislation.

Afrizan is a committed supporter of Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa, and considers the inclusion of historically disadvantaged South Africans essential for successful transformation of society.

Afrizan aggressively promotes the employment of aQrmative action candidates as a Rrst choice, and has successfully developed and implemented turnkey business solutions in all areas of B-BBEE.

As an extension of business ethics and good corporate governance, Afrizan’s Black Economic Empowerment policy is a strategic initiative enjoying the support and commitment of all its executives and employees.

B-BBEE Business Strategy, Employment Equity Planning and skills Development Consulting

As BEE and Employment Equity experts, we evolved into an agency that o[ers not only recruitment solutions but has successfully developed and implemented turnkey solutions in all areas of B-BBEE for numerous business situations, over many years.

A team of subject matter experts employed by Afrizan, as well as renowned specialist consultants (where required), are able to deliver solutions customised to the needs of our clients, both South African and multinational.

Afrizan offers a full transformation solution, covering all aspects of:

  • Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
  • Employment Equity
  • Skills Development and Learnerships